Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • alisa
    12-17 12:10 PM
    My Labor was rotting in BEC, and so I moved to another role, and will now have a PD of 2007 as a new labor will be filed, Rest of the world, EB-3......

    Got any predictions?????

    Mine are 1 year (if legislation goes through), to 12 years (if it does not.)

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  • sanprabhu
    07-26 11:20 AM
    I already sent the card to Senator... I urge everybody else to do the same.

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  • new2perm
    12-31 09:16 PM

    What is this email from CRIS, you are mentioning?

    You may be getting your AP?? or GC itself now? Let us hope for the best.


    When we sign up for case updates, you receive an email when your case is approved right? I had received that in 10/06 when my I-140 was approved. When I had the LUD again on my approved I-140 on 12/02, I received that same email again.

    Also, I have 1 more LUD on my I-485 on 12/30 (sunday).

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  • sunny1000
    10-09 08:29 PM
    I would appreciate if someone can help me with a link to how to post this question as a new post. I do not want to hijack this thread :o

    goto "forums" on the top left (next to "home"). Once in the "forums" page, click on "Non-immigrant visa"->"all drivers license issues posted here" and post your query.

    hope that helps.


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  • eb_retrogession
    03-25 06:41 PM
    I've sent this writer some facts and figures, and apprised him of our efforts as well. Hopefully he'll respond.


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  • dollar500
    11-19 06:14 PM
    That has happened to me too. It's ok. I looked at the reciept notice and the date is the original reciept date not the one mentioned in update. Don't worry. If you are really concerned call your lawyer.


    Current Status: Case received and pending.

    On October 14, 2007, we received this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. We process cases in the order we receive them. You can use our processing dates to estimate when yours will be done. This case is at our TEXAS SERVICE CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

    I have a question. Mine was filed on Aug 15th but, the online status says that it was received on 10/14. Is this common or is this in error? Should I call CS?

    Thanks in advance.


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  • arc
    06-17 04:44 PM
    Also, my understanding is that: AC 21 need not be "INVOKED". Its "AUTOMATIC"...its a law, in place. I have seen so many threads here using the wrong terminology when it comes to AC 21. It is absolutely not necessary to (so called) "invoke" AC21. When you move to a different place you have to file AR-11 form and send it to USCIS...thats all you got to do. AC21 is automatically take care of.

    Just my 1 cent :D

    I am not an attorney. Please take advice from an attorney. :cool:

    You mean AR11 would take care of AC21? I am confused the AR11 is for change of address? How would it work if one's residential address is still the same but employer has you still file AR11 and you are covered under AC21?

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  • h1techSlave
    07-30 10:27 AM
    For the next conference call, may be we can pool together some common questions and a couple of people can ask them during the call.


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  • newbie2020
    05-30 07:43 AM
    I replied on another Duplicate thread by the author;

    Admins can someone remove the duplicate thread

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  • andy garcia
    07-30 08:45 PM
    Let's hope everyone will be all right.

    My son will turn 21 in December 07 and I stuck in name check for who knows how long.


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  • titu1972
    10-29 02:06 PM
    You got an EAD for your kid? What is the minimum age for a kid to be eligible for an EAD?

    The SSN card will contain a restriction saying "authorized for work only" which would mean the kid should have reached the min age for eligibility to work.

    Yes... It will say "Work Authorization Only".

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  • sanju
    04-17 01:08 PM
    As per today I have an H1b visa, I have my I140 approved, and my 6th year ends on April 25, 2008. My actual employer have give a contract that says that upon I become a permanent resident i will have to work for him for 5 years, then if I quit after the 5th year or before I will not able to work on the same industry on all the united states, also mention what my salary would be but there is no mention of increase.

    I do not know what to do , this is almost illegal (I think !), do I have time to change employer and do again my visa, and I140, so I don't lost status ??

    I truly understand your position my friend and feel sorry to see you go though this.

    Here is my suggestion -

    Start going to doctor complaining for chest pains, stress, lack of sleep etc. Sign the contract and get your green card. After getting the green card, sue the employer for harassment, exploitation, metal trauma and stress by showing the medical record and visitations with the doctor. And don't worry about this contract, it is illegal and non-enforceable. So don't worry about it and sign it with closed eyes without a second thought. If I were you, I would do the exact same thing.

    I think some employers are good and they take care of employees. And like everywhere else in the world, some employers are exploitative and the law doesn't provide provisions to protect/empower the H1b/non-immigrant employees. On top of that, IEEE and Ron Hira want all of us out and are working to put in harsher conditions. They are not suggesting change in law to empower us to prevent any chance of exploitation. So we need to organize ourselves and become part of one organization that could represent us all.


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  • eb3_nepa
    03-24 03:20 PM
    I had called NumbersUSA once. They will take the Absolute worst case scenario and project it as an everyday happening. The guy had mentioned to me that EB3 ppl promote chain migration and some get upto 80 (Yes 80) family members here. I tried arguing that it is TOTALLY impossible to bring more than five (i mean common u, ur wife and 3 kids = 5). You cant get ur parents etc., until you are a Citizen, but he wud not listen.

    These guys are out to prove that immigration is a bad thing, and they will do their damndest to prove that point. They will not skew the facts, but they will present it in such a way that it looks a LOT worse than it actually is.

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  • dupedinjuly
    07-15 02:07 AM

    A Little-Known Group Claims a Victory on Immigration

    July 15, 2007
    A Little-Known Group Claims a Victory on Immigration
    WASHINGTON, July 14 � When a comprehensive immigration bill collapsed last month on the Senate floor, it was a victory for a small group that had been lobbying Congress for a decade to reduce the number of immigrants � legal and illegal � in the United States.

    The group, Numbers USA, tracked every twist and turn of the bill. Its members flooded the Senate with more than a million faxes, sent through the organization�s Web site. It supplied arguments and information to senators opposing the bill.

    �It was a David-and-Goliath struggle,� said Roy H. Beck, the president of Numbers USA, who had been preparing for this moment since 1996, when he wrote a book titled �The Case Against Immigration.�

    Supporters of the bill included President Bush, the United States Chamber of Commerce, the high-tech industry, the Roman Catholic Church, many Hispanic organizations, farmers, restaurants, hotels and the construction industry.

    �The bill had support from the opinion elite in this country,� Mr. Beck said. �But we built a grass-roots army, consumed with passion for a cause, and used the power of the Internet to go around the elites and defeat a disastrous amnesty bill.�

    The measure, which died on June 28, would have offered legal status and a path to citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants and created a new temporary worker program while increasing border security.

    �Numbers USA initiated and turbocharged the populist revolt against the immigration reform package,� said Frank Sharry, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, a pro-immigrant advocacy group. �Roy Beck takes people who are upset about illegal immigration for different reasons, including hostility to Latino immigrants, and disciplines them so their message is based on policy rather than race-based arguments or xenophobia.�

    Representative Brian P. Bilbray, Republican of California and chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus, said, �We�re involved in weekly discussions with Numbers USA and other immigration-control groups as part of a team effort.�

    Numbers USA had fewer than 50,000 members at the end of 2004, but now counts more than 447,000, with an increase of 83 percent since January alone.

    Turning to the next phase of the debate, those members will push for enforcement of existing laws and new measures to curb the employment of illegal immigrants.

    �Our No. 1 legislative goal is to begin a system of mandatory workplace verification, to confirm that every employee is a United States citizen or an alien authorized to work in this country,� said Rosemary E. Jenks, director of government relations at Numbers USA.

    The organization wants to reduce immigration � as Mr. Beck says in the subtitle of his book � for �moral, economic, social and environmental reasons.�

    He contends that immigrants and their children are driving population growth, which he says is gobbling up open space, causing urban sprawl and creating more traffic congestion.

    Moreover, Mr. Beck asserts that immigrants and temporary workers, by increasing the supply of labor, have depressed wages in industries from meatpacking to information technology. Numbers USA has worked most closely with conservative Republicans, but in recent weeks has built alliances with Democrats who share the concern.

    Numbers USA keeps a scorecard showing every vote by every member of Congress on immigration-related issues since 1989. The group assigns a letter grade to each member.

    Lawmakers who received an A-plus were all Republicans and included Representatives J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois and Tom Tancredo of Colorado, a presidential candidate. The lowest grades � F-minuses � went to Democrats, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Representative Joe Baca of California, chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

    Numbers USA objects to proposals that increase the number of legal or illegal immigrants. It steers clear of debates over the allocation of visas.

    �It does not matter to us whether a visa goes to a high-tech worker, a farm worker or the sibling of a U.S. citizen,� Mr. Beck said.

    Numbers USA is one of many organizations fostered by John H. Tanton, an ophthalmologist from Michigan who has also championed efforts to protect the environment, limit population growth and promote English as an official language.

    Critics like the Southern Poverty Law Center and Representative Chris Cannon, Republican of Utah, have described Dr. Tanton as a father of the anti-immigration movement. Mark A. Potok, a senior researcher at the law center, called Numbers USA the �kinder, gentler side of that movement.�

    Mr. Beck said Numbers USA had been independent of Dr. Tanton since 2002. On the group�s Web site, Mr. Beck cautions against �immigrant bashing� and says, �Even illegal aliens deserve humane treatment as they are detected, detained and deported.�

    In the fight over the Senate bill, Numbers USA had daily conference calls with conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation and the Eagle Forum.

    For tax purposes, Numbers USA has two arms, an educational foundation and an advocacy group that lobbies Congress. Together, Mr. Beck said, they have a budget of $3 million this year, but will probably raise and spend $4.5 million.

    Mr. Beck said that in the past the group received about two-thirds of its money from foundations like the Colcom Foundation of Pittsburgh and the Weeden Foundation in New York. Many of these foundations have an interest in conservation.

    Numbers USA has raised the rest of its money from individual contributors over the Internet. The group collects detailed information on its members � their ethnic background, politics, religious affiliations, occupations and concerns � so it can choose the most effective advocates on any particular issue.

    In a survey question on religion, the group said the information would be useful because many lawmakers were likely to respond better to people with �a very similar religious worldview.�

    �This is our citizen army,� Mr. Beck said, pointing to a map that showed members of his group in every Congressional district.

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    Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company


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  • vjkypally
    07-26 02:09 PM
    This is not good news for us. The recaptured visas will go towards nurses and none from us wil benefit.We need to shout out loud.

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  • ras
    05-23 10:29 AM
    Is EAD to H1 a complicated process? If so what could be the reasons.

    I still have 1.5 years on H1. I posted earlier but didn't get a clear idea.


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  • El_Guapo
    01-14 04:07 PM
    Text "HAITI" to 90999 from your cellphone. This will automatically donate $10 to the Red Cross International Relief Fund. It will be charged to your cellphone bill next month. I've done this already.

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  • forever
    08-03 10:38 PM
    Just do you get this press release...its not yet up on their site.

    Go to Home page and click on Press Room. You can see updates for Aug, July.

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  • nixstor
    08-23 11:56 AM
    I wish it was like that, but it amazes me how many times I have to give the exact same information to all government agencies. They have no clue or contact between each other unfortunately.
    For example, why do I have to give all my information on all forms, even within USCIS? And why do I have redo my fingerprints every year? My fingers don't change.
    And why can people get a new drivers license or hide in another state from where the drivers license was issued?

    The only thing that should be needed to apply for a i485 should be your social #. The rest of the information they should already KNOW... Why should you give it? Then they will have to check that you gave the right information on the paper, not focusing on if the information is correct... It is just opening up for fraud.
    So until they get their information straight, don't underestimate how much data you have to give them over and over again... and how slow the process will be because of that.


    While I agree with most of your comments (Ex: DL process is a mess), it does not work like that. We are talking about inter agency communication. To quote an example of how USCIS systems themselves are designed I asked " How come USCIS do not know how many people will be eligible for filing 485 ? All that they have to do is get a number of approved and pending 140's and come with a PD date that will effectively use visa numbers" short answer is there are different systems in USCIS to which some officers have access to and some officers don't.

    Essentially, the data is already out there but the data is in different data islands and they are not connected. While it would be good to connect all these islands, there can be issues with overwhelming information or making info available with out knowing whats needed. There needs to be an access control based approach or even biometrics. Every access should be substantiated with a reason. In the current situation it might be easy for agencies to ask the applicant for proof rather than trying to go through other agency's bureaucracy. I could be wrong.

    I love the idea of giving SSN, GC application and have it processed.

    Thanks for updating your profile and will see you in DC

    04-22 03:45 PM
    I-485 could be from family based, EB1 and ROW categories. I dont all these became Unavailable on July 2nd. Also you are right, USCIS didnt reject applications even though they came in between July 2nd and 17th.

    10-28 09:15 PM
    eberth, did you do the bed?

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